Bailey's Taekwon Do title image. Bailey's Taekwond Do title image. Bailey's Taekwon Do title image. Bailey's Taekwon Do title image. Bailey's Taekwon Do title image.

About Bailey's Traditional Taekwon Do College

Mr. Bailey extending a middle-section side kick.

Headquartered in Edmonds, Washington, Bailey's Traditional Taekwon Do College was founded and developed by Ed and Shirley Bailey, and has satellite schools throughout Washington and Oregon. The Baileys began teaching Taekwon Do in Knappa, Oregon in 1973. The operation of Bailey's Taekwon Do was turned over to 6th Dan Nikka Gaviola (Mr. and Mrs. Bailey's daughter), in 2021.

There are different national/international organizations which govern varying styles of Taekwon Do. Bailey's Traditional Taekwon Do College is not affiliated with any of these organizations, although the patterns studied are based on those of the International Taekwon Do Federation, which was the original style of Taekwon Do founded by General Choi Hong Hi. The style of Taekwon Do seen in Olympic competition is of a different nature than the original style developed by General Choi.

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